Student Wellness Policy

BP 5030 Student Wellness Policy

Student Wellness Administrative Policy AR5030
Appendix A - Examples of District Practices

School Health Council/Committee

A School Board Member coordinates the student wellness program evaluation.  School advisory groups, the Local Control Accountability Planning Group (LCAP), and Site Advisory Council serve in advisory roles.

Goals for Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Other Wellness Activities

Examples of programs Spencer Valley has participated in or currently participates in to meet goals may include:

A weekly gardening program in which students participate in composting, tilling, weeding, planting, watering, and harvesting a variety of garden vegetables.

Cooking classes using garden produce grown through the school gardening program that highlight cultural education.

Participation in the County of San Diego's comprehensive initiative Live Well San Diego.  This initiative uses community partnerships to convene working groups, conduct program activities, and utilize pooled resources to improve the health, safety, and overall well-being of residents throughout San Diego County.

Partnership with community farmers, growers, and local distributors to provide fresh, locally-grown produce for school lunches and snacks.  This Farm-To-Table education may be supplemented with field trips to local farms or orchards, and may include community volunteer involvement to provide nutritious meals for special school events.

Examples of physical education activities Spencer Valley has participated in or currently participates in may include:

Interschool athletic competitions which offer students the opportunity to compete with schools from the surrounding communities.

A Par Course located on the school grounds which is accessible to the students during after-school hours, and may be used during physical education.  The Par Course and school play structures are also accessible to members of the community during after-school hours and on the weekends in order to promote physical fitness opportunities to the community as a whole.  School policies concerning safety shall apply at all times.

Examples of joint use agreements within the larger community to make district facilities available for recreational or sports activities outside the school day may include:

Community yoga classes which are available at a discounted rate to district staff members and parents and students of Spencer Valley School.

Community belly dancing classes and practice sessions for the local belly dancing troupe.

Providing an overnight use of facilities for the annual Rancho Family YMCA Annual Ride Across California

Examples of the district seeking out volunteers from the larger community to help promote healthful habits and lifestyles within the school environment may include:

Utilizing student volunteers from Julian High School to serve as tutors and mentors to Spencer Valley students.

Utilizing Julian Art Guild (JAG) members as volunteers to lead art and creativity projects that foster self-expression, creativity, and self-knowledge.

Examples of the district seeking out partnerships that play an important part of a safe and positive school environment through supporting emotional and mental health may include:

Contracting with Vista Hill to provide counseling services for at-risk youth and conducting educational opportunities that promote positive self-esteem, avoiding risk, and cultivating mental health.

Participating in Julian Pathways' Backcountry Collaborative meetings to address community health concerns and network with a variety of mental, behavioral, and physical health organizations that serve the district's area.

Encouraging staff to participate in Trauma Informed School training that address the emotional safety needs of at-risk youth in order to improve students' emotional and mental health while providing a safe space at school.

Conducting Morning Circles with the entire student body and staff in order to come together as a school, promote positive self-esteem, cooperative behaviors, and encourage creativity and understanding amongst the students.

Participating in and enacting curriculum through Digital Citizenship to address safety concerns on student Internet use such as cyber-bullying, leaving a digital footprint, and exploring what it means to be a good digital citizen.

Nutritional Guidelines for Foods Available at School

Guidelines will be accessed from available California Department of Education references listed in website section of BP 5030 reference page.

Program Implementation and Evaluation

The district shall establish indicators used to measure the implementation and effectiveness of the district activities related to student wellness. Such indicators may include, but are not limited to:

Descriptions of the district's a) nutrition education, b) physical education, and c) health education curricula and the extent to which they align with state academic content standards and legal requirements.

Results of the state's physical fitness test at applicable grade levels.

Number of minutes of physical education offered at each grade span, and the estimated percentage of class time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity.

A description of district efforts to provide additional opportunities for physical activity outside of the physical education program.

A description of other district-wide or school-based wellness activities offered, including the number of sites and/or students participating, as appropriate.

These indicators may be used at least once every two years to gather information when evaluating the wellness policy's goals. 

Board Adopted August 16, 2016

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