Since 1998 staff, parents, and students have participated in an annual Shakespeare production. The production is a three month process producing dazzling results! Each year our students have delighted the community with two evening performances plus the annual evening dinner theatre, a fundraising event sponsored by the Spencer Valley Educational Association.
Here's how they do it:

- The Set-Up - The story is introduced to the classes
- Students prepare for auditions
- Students submit in writing which character(s) they wish to play
- Students submit costume ideas
- Auditions/Casting
- Rehearsal of scenes and preliminary blocking
- Set building and costume design and materials purchase
- Lighting and music plans drawn up
- Individual and scene coaching
- Finishing set and costumes
- Tech rehearsal
- Dress rehearsal
- Show and dinner theatre
- Rehearse a scene for the Shakespeare Festival in Balboa Park
- Write sonnets for the sonnet contest
Each year the students travel to Balboa Park in April to participate in the San Diego Shakespeare Society's Student Shakespeare Festival.